De patenterede progestiner, der bruges i p-piller, øger risikoen for inflammation (Indtast PMID-nummeret på PubMed her):
Silverberg et al.: Endometrial morphology during long-term use of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine devices. PMID 3093395
Piltonen T: Oral, transdermal and vaginal combined contraceptives induce an increase in markers of chronic inflammation and impair insulin sensitivity in young healthy normal-weight women: a randomized study.
Hum Reprod. 2012. PMID 22811306
Divani AA: Effect of oral and vaginal hormonal contraceptives on inflammatory blood biomarkers. Mediators Inflamm. 2015. PMID 25861161
Silverberg et al.: Endometrial morphology during long-term use of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine devices. PMID 3093395
Naturligt progesteron sænker inflammation og nedsætter risikoen for autoimmun sygdom:
Cutolo M et al.: Estrogens and autoimmune diseases. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2006. PMID 17261796
Stephenson K: The effects of compounded bioidentical transdermal hormone therapy on hemostatic, inflammatory, immune factors; cardiovascular biomarkers; quality-of-life measures; and health outcomes. Int J Pharm Compd. 2013. PMID 23627249
Grundforskningen viser, at naturligt progesteron nedregulerer 17 sygdoms-gener, som er fælles for Hashimoto’s, Graves, psoriasis, Multipel Sklerose, lupus og systemisk sklerose – og altså dermed har en potentielt gavnlig virkning mod disse autoimmune sygdomme:
Hellberg Progesterone Dampens Immune Responses in In Vitro Activated CD4+ T Cells and Affects Genes Associated With Autoimmune Diseases That Improve During Pregnancy. Front. Immunol., 2021. PMID 34054852.
Kilderne er hentet fra bogen Kvinde kend dine hormoner.