De patenterede progestiner bruges i hormonel prævention som p-piller, minipiller og hormonspiral. Forskningen i bivirkninger ved hormonel prævention giver derfor også et indblik i deres skadevirkninger. Ofte vil du få at vide, at progestinerne i hormonel prævention “svarer til” eller “erstatter” kvindens eget progesteron, som om det er “næsten det samme”. Men der bruges ikke naturligt progesteron i hormonel prævention – af den simple grund, at progesteron fremmer fertiliteten og derfor slet ikke kan bruges til formålet. Det er et helt andet stof med helt andre virkemåder. De patenterede progestiner forhindrer graviditet, blandt andet ved at forhindre produktionen af progesteron. (Indtast PMID-nummeret på PubMed her):
Øget risiko for depression
Charlotte Wessel Skovlund et al: Association of Hormonal Contraception With Depression. JAMA Psychiatry. 2016. PMID 17688380
Kulkarni J: Depression as a side effect of the contraceptive pill.
Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2007. PMID 17688380
Øget risiko for selvmord
Charlotte Wessel Skovlund et al: Association of Hormonal Contraception With Suicide Attempts and Suicides. Am J Psychiatry. 2018. PMID 29145752
Øget inflammation
Piltonen T: Oral, transdermal and vaginal combined contraceptives induce an increase in markers of chronic inflammation and impair insulin sensitivity in young healthy normal-weight women: a randomized study.
Hum Reprod. 2012. PMID 22811306
Divani AA: Effect of oral and vaginal hormonal contraceptives on inflammatory blood biomarkers. Mediators Inflamm. 2015. PMID 25861161
Silverberg et al.: Endometrial morphology during long-term use of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine devices. PMID 3093395
Hormonspiral virker ikke kun lokalt:
Målbart niveau af levonorgestrel i blodet ved hormonspiral
Seeber B et al: Quantitative levonorgestrel plasma level measurements in patients with regular and prolonged use of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. Contraception. 2012. PMID 22402256
Chandra Kailasam et al: Review of the safety, efficacy and patient acceptability of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.
Patient Prefer Adherence. 2008. PMC2770406
Fald i androgener
Fern M: Effect of oral contraceptives on plasma androgenic steroids and their precursors. Obstet Gynecol. 1978. PMID 148599
Birth Control Pill Could Cause Long-Term Problems With Testosterone
Panzer C: Impact of oral contraceptives on sex hormone-binding globulin and androgen levels: a retrospective study in women with sexual dysfunction. J Sex Med. 2006. PMID 16409223
P-piller gør kvinders æggestokke mindre
Birch Petersen et al.: Ovarian reserve assessment in users of oral contraception seeking fertility advice on their reproductive lifespan.
Hum Reprod. 2015. PMID 26311148
P-piller giver øget risiko for brystkræft
Nicole D. White: “Hormonal Contraception and Breast Cancer Risk” Am J Lifestyle Med. 2018. PMC6124967
Elisabeth F. Beaber et al: “Recent oral contraceptive use by formulation and breast cancer risk among women 20–49 years of age
Cancer Res. 2014 . PMC4154499
Både p-piller og mini-piller (progestin alene) øger risikoen for brystkræft
Busund M et al: “Progestin-only and combined oral contraceptives and receptor-defined premenopausal breast cancer risk: The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study.” Int J Cancer. 2018. PMID 29349773
Al hormonel prævention giver øget risiko for brystkræft
Øjvind Lidegaard, Lina S. Mørch et al:
“Contemporary Hormonal Contraception and the Risk of Breast Cancer”
N Engl J Med 2017. PMID 29211679
P-piller giver øget risiko for livmoderhalskræft
Green J et al: Cervical cancer and hormonal contraceptives: collaborative reanalysis of individual data for 16,573 women with cervical cancer and 35,509 women without cervical cancer from 24 epidemiological studies
Lancet. 2007. PMID 17993361
Hormonel prævention øger risikoen for hjernekræft
Gaist D., Andersen L et al: Hormonal contraceptive use and risk of glioma among younger women: a nationwide case-control study
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2015. PMID 25345919
Denne side er hentet fra bogen Kvinde kend dine hormoner.